Crime Data

Multnomah County Crime Data of Current Jail Roster

DISCLAIMER: All information comes from the Multnomah County Sheriff. To protect privacy, we do not post mugshots or the names of those arrested. When applicable, we provide links to booking records that are publicly available on the sheriff’s website. Links are removed automatically during updates when they no longer exist. We do not store any logs on individuals arrested in Multnomah County. We ONLY provide statistics on arrests and charges. We do not provide statistics on convictions. Crime data is only applicable to cases in which an arrest has been made.


Charge Count Number of Arrests
UNLAW USE WEAPON (C Felony) 213 213
COUNTY HOLD (U Unknown) 192 192
PAROLE OR PPSV VIOL (U Felony) 192 192
UUMV (C Felony) 163 163
FELON POSS FA (C Felony) 146 146
POSS STOLEN MV (C Felony) 130 130
RECKLESS DRIVING (A Misdemeanor) 112 112
CRIM MISCH II (A Misdemeanor) 104 104
ATT ELUDE BY VEHCLE (C Felony) 100 100
RECK ENDANGER (A Misdemeanor) 97 97

Crime By Race

Race Number
Asian 19
Black 277
Hispanic 126
Native American or Alaskan 12
P 11
Unknown 1
White 475

Crime By Gender

Gender Number
Female 110
Male 811

Arrests By Agency

Dept Number of Arrests
Beaverton Police 1
Community Corrections 35
Drug Enforcement Administration 8
Gresham Police Department 64
Hillsboro / Washington County Jail 1
MCSO Transports 147
Multnomah County Sheriff Booking 9
None (TSI or Unknown) 8
OHSU University Police 3
Other Agency 13

Inmates By Facility

Facility Inmates
MCDC 369
MCIJ 551

Crime By Age

About Us

Portland Criminal Justice is a media and public service website dedicated to providing information about the criminal justice system in Multnomah County, Oregon, and the United States.

Our aim is to provide the best possible free information for victims, defendants, and families of those who have become involved in the criminal justice system in Oregon. We also offer commentary on criminal justice issues both locally and nationally.

We strive to post the most accurate and factual information available. Please contact us if you believe we have made an error.

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