Your diet after gastric bypass surgery

Roux-en-Y stomach surgery for weight loss

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure involves creating a stomach pouch out of a small portion of the stomach and attaching it directly to the small intestine, bypassing a large part of the stomach and duodenum. Not only is the stomach pouch too small to hold large amounts of food, but by skipping the duodenum, fat absorption is substantially reduced.

What to Expect at Home

You had gastric bypass surgery. This surgery made your stomach smaller by closing off most of your stomach with staples. It changed the way your body handles the food you eat. You will eat less food, and your body may not absorb all the calories from the food you eat. Your health care provider will teach you about foods you can eat and foods you should avoid. It is very important to follow these diet guidelines.

When you go Home From the Hospital

You will lose weight quickly over the first 3 to 6 months. During this time, you may:

These symptoms are normal. They should go away as you take in more protein and calories as your body gets used to your weight loss.

A new way of Eating

Remember to eat slowly and chew each bite very slowly and completely. Do not swallow food until it is smooth. The opening between your new stomach pouch and your intestines is very small. Food that is not chewed well can block this opening.

Some foods you eat may cause some pain or discomfort if you do not chew them completely. Some of these are pasta, rice, bread, raw vegetables, and meats, especially steak. It may be better to stay away from these types of foods, and you should get advice from your provider about this. Adding a low-fat sauce, broth, or gravy can make them easier to digest. Other foods that may cause discomfort are dry foods, such as popcorn and nuts, or fibrous foods, such as celery and corn.

You will need to drink up to 8 cups (2 liters) of water or other calorie-free liquids every day. Follow these guidelines for drinking:

Follow Your Diet Carefully

You will need to make sure you are getting enough protein, vitamins, and minerals while you are losing weight quickly. Eating mostly protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help your body get the nutrients it needs.

Protein may be the most important of these foods early after surgery. Your body needs protein to build muscles and other body tissues, and to heal well after surgery. Low-fat protein choices include:

Combining foods with texture together with protein helps people who have had gastric bypass surgery band stay satisfied longer. This includes things like a salad with grilled chicken or toast with low fat cottage cheese.

After gastric bypass surgery, your body may not absorb enough important vitamins and minerals. You will need to take these vitamins and minerals for the rest of your life:

You may need to take other supplements also.

You will need to have regular checkups with your provider to keep track of your weight and to make sure you are eating well. These visits are a good time to talk with your provider about any problems you are having with your diet, or about other issues related to your surgery and recovery.

Calories Still Count

Avoid foods that are high in calories. It is important to get all of the nutrition you need without eating too many calories.

Portions and serving sizes still count. Your dietitian or nutritionist can give you suggested serving sizes of the foods in your diet.

If you gain weight after gastric bypass surgery, ask yourself:

When to Call the Doctor

Contact your provider if:


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Version Info

Last reviewed on: 7/20/2022

Reviewed by: John E. Meilahn, MD, Bariatric Surgery, Chestnut Hill Surgical Associates, Philadelphia, PA. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.