Building Standards verification performance framework - national customer satisfaction survey: survey findings 2021

Results from the National Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021 giving a summary of local authority performance of the National Performance Framework.

Part of

1. Executive Summary

1.1. Executive Summary

1. The remit of the building standards system in Scotland is to protect the public interest by setting out the standards to be met when building or conversion work takes place, to the extent necessary to meet the building regulations.

2. In 2021, the Scottish Government commissioned Pye Tait Consulting to undertake the eighth annual national customer satisfaction survey for building standards. [1] The purpose of the annual survey is to obtain nationally consistent customer satisfaction data across all 32 local authorities in Scotland and to enable comparison analysis between years.

3. The survey aligns with Key Performance Outcome 4 ( KPO4 ) of the 'Building Standards Performance Framework for Verifiers' (operational from May 2017). [2] The purpose of KPO4 – titled 'Understand and respond to the customer experience' – is for local authority verifiers to monitor customer satisfaction with the building standards service and ensure it meets or exceeds customer expectations.

1.2. Approach to delivering the survey: